God’s Sense of Humour
Sr Aileen Murphy is a La Retraite sister well-known for her own great sense of humour.
In this article below she describes how on one occasion the last laugh was with God!!
Dancing to the Music of Integration
Once again Springtime in Galway, Ireland, was alive to the sound of traditional music and dance. However the International Dance Festival is a fundraiser with a difference....
The Environment, Faith and our Children’s Future
The Bristol-based environmentalist and good friend of La Retraite, Mary Colwell, spent a day in Galway, Ireland, at the invitation of the 'Jesuit Centre for Spirituality & Culture'. Moira McDowall organised her visit and gives an account of the day.
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Walking the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela
In July Susana Campos from the La Retraite Community in Galway led a walking retreat along part of the Camino to Compostela.
In the following account both she and the group describe something of their experience....
Sr Mary's new job
Sister Mary Bellekom is a La Retraite Sister who’s just returned to Bristol
having worked in Africa and South America for many years.
a reflection on the ordinary and the extraordinary
Sr Bernadette is a sister of La Retraite and has been a
Trustee of Moxafrica since its foundation.
Providing clean water in Chile
Like many other religious congregations the Sisters of La Retraite have communities in Chile who were hit by the recent earthquake. Yet, in the midst of all the distress there are also some 'good news' stories...

Women's World Day of Prayer
The Women’s World day of Prayer takes place
on the first Friday of March every year.
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A reflection on a year gone by in youth retreat work
Siobhain Bradley joined the School Retreats Team in Galway Diocese in September last year and works alongside Sr Aileen Murphy. At the end of her first year she reflects on her experience…

Voluntary English teaching in China
Sr Eleanor O’Brien’s love for China led her a few years ago to start studying Mandarin.
During her last visit to Beijing she not only studied Mandarin
but also got to help some Chinese pensioners with their English!

Dance, dance, and let’s dance
our way to the Special Olympics!!!
Galway’s first ‘International Dance Festival’
'Spring' Retreat Day
Seven friends joined the retreat team of Sisters Jean and Liz,
and friend Anne, on Saturday, 7th March 2009
at La Retraite in Weston-super-Mare for a day to celebrate Spring
More... .

Visiting Asylum Seekers in Detention
Eleanor O'Brien gives and account of a meeting organised by Jesuit Refugee Service Europe she attended recently.

Special Needs Spirituality
Jean Daniel and Liz Shaw, Sisters of La Retraite in Weston-Super-Mare and Bristol, work with people with Special Needs. They got together recently and talked about what had led them into this ministry and how they see it as part of the charism of La Retraite.

Mary, show us your Son
Sr Aileen Murphy gives us an account of a visit to Lourdes in the Summer of 2008 and what the experience meant to her

The Year of the Word
Margaret Harlock took part in a Workshop last Summer organised by the Sisters of La Retraite to mark the Year of the Word of God. She describes here something of the atmosphere and most importantly its content...

Celebration of Galway's Cultural Diversity
Susana Campos gives us an echo of Galway's 1st Annual Intercutural Barbecue Competition,
a sign of the city's increasing cultural diversity...

Live Simply!
Sr Bridget returned enthused from the 'Live Simply' event organized by CAFOD and others in Manchester in March.
She gives here a brief account of what the day meant to her.

Celebrating a Life Lived to the Full
For nearly a century Sr Grace lived life to the full.
A pioneer, she knew how to draw the best out of people as this account of her life shows.

Life back in Ireland
In 2005 Eleanor O'Brien returned to Ireland. She is similar to many missionaries whose 'mission' after many years abroad is then to make the necessary adjustments to life back in their home country. Eleanor wrote the piece below at the request of the Irish Missionary Union's returning missionaries’ desk.

The Christmas Piñata
"Susana Campos is a La Retraite sister from Chile. She lives in Galway, Ireland where she started a reflection group for members of the small but lively Latino community in the area. She describes here their Christmas Piñata...."

“Passionate proclaimers of His word” for 25 years
These stirring words in the opening song reflected something of Moira McDowall and Marie-Annick Le Gallo as we gathered in chapel on 1st January to give thanks for their 25 years since proclaiming first vows in La Retraite

170 years of La Retraite life in Lannion
On 22nd September sixty La Retraite sisters from Chile, Britain, Ireland and France gathered in North Brittany to celebrate and give thanks for the 170 years of life, relationships and service given by La Retraite in Lannion and the surrounding area.

Celebration of Final Vows
On 3rd November 2007 one of our French sisters, Gwénola Marichal, made her final vows. To see pictures and details of the celebration click on the following link.
These pages are in French, but there are lots of photos.
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NUI Galway Students to Build Homes in Ghana
The early hours of Saturday morning sees a group of 23 leave NUI Galway in the West of Ireland bound for Ghana in West Africa. While in Ghana the group will work with the International Charity Habitat for Humanity to build houses with the local people in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. ..........

Spiritual Searchers Consider ‘Where am I going?’
Taking time away from the hustle-bustle of daily life gave
ten Searchers an opportunity to be supported in their life
journey with God at Clifton’s retreat and conference centre, Emmaus House.

Golden Jubilees
To celebrate the recent Golden Jubilees of Srs Catherine & Christina, Sisters of St. Joseph, our own Sister Bernie was asked to address the Congregation during the celebration Mass. ...

When ‘old’ is still ‘new’!
New version of the oldest ‘Rule’ of the Sisters of La Retraite ...

Knit a River
Have you noticed that knitting has come back

Autumn Retreat
6 days individually-guided in the Ignatian tradition......

Racial Justic Sunday
A Statement from CARJ (Catholic Association for Racial Justice) in Britain........

Supplying library books for the children of Darfur
It’s amazing how friendship can make things happen across the globe!.............

A Glimpse of Egypt in April
What can you possibly see or understand of a country in a week?! Well, quite a lot actually if you know where to go and what to look for.
Oasis in the City
A new meditation room, designed by Richard Winsor, has just been opened in Emmaus House, Bristol, UK.
Performance in the Royal Albert Hall, London
On the 6th of May 2006, Sr. Elizabeth, a dance movement therapist, together with her integrated dance group performed a stunning show, and not for the first time!......
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La Retraite Final Profession 2nd October 2004
The 2nd October 2004 was one of the most special daysin my life

Youth Camp in Cameroon 12th – 22nd July 2005
This year’s summer program in Cameroon included a youth camp in the Bush area of Mimetala

Language Alive! 4th – 18th July 2005
This project took place at Emmaus House, Bristol. It was an opportunity for European Religious to progress in English language within the context of a local culture
