“In the Congregation of La Retraite, our life which is inseparably religious and apostolic is directed to the mission received from Christ in the Church :
a life of consecration which frees all our powers for this mission,
prayer which disposes us to become, more and more, God’s instruments at
the service of his love for all people, and to live and act only by the Spirit
of Jesus Christ,
a life in community, which is a place where we experience sisterly love, the
sign of hope of that communion desired by God for all,
action which is, in the concrete circumstances of life, a share in God’s action
in the world.
In this spirit, all that we are, all that we do,
activity or inactivity
failure or success
suffering or joy
youth or old age
health or sickness
life and death
lived with Christ, open us to his salvation in the depths of our being and make us co-operate with him for the salvation of all.” (1-10)