The wool, which is my passion, is the way that I keep active and always have done. My mother taught me to knit when I was about four years old. I knitted scarves, balaclavas, mittens and all kinds of woollen garments.
I have a passion for knitting matinee coats and bootees for babies, blankets for people in wheel chairs and all kinds of shawls and hats!
Some time ago I heard Julian Filokowski give a talk on how we may become aware of people in developing countries and their struggle to survive.
He told us of an experience he had had, sitting behind a man wearing a tee shirt. Written across the back was a slogan: In the beginning God made the word, and the word was CHOCOLATE!
He went on to say that here in Europe we eat enough chocolate to feed three developing countries .I have never forgotten that information!
How powerful is the Word which is alive and active.
I got involved after that in the “Knit a River” campaign to raise awareness of water pollution. There were thousands of blue knitted squares forming a very long river.
A little while ago,a group of us who meet together to knit, received a text message from a merchant ship. We had been asked to knit hats for the seamen and the message was; Please send those hats soon, as we are freezing, and we are bringing you bananas! |